Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Title: Cry
Word Count: 103
Story Notes: I wrote three poems at work this past weekend. They're all kind of bits of jumbled thoughts. I love them. This is one of those poems.

Cry now
Your eyes fill
The tears slip down your cheeks
The sobs are choking
The pain
The sadness
The very act of crying makes your heart ache
Life has been a dream
That turned into a nightmare
Love is overwhelming
Time is fleeting
The years are growing shorter
They fly by in an instant
Time cannot heal
When there is not enough time to go around
Your body shakes with anguished heaves
You cry so hard that you start to laugh
A bitter sound
Contains no joy
You laugh so hard that you cry again
And cry for days
And never stop

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Movie's Being Made

Title: A Movie's Being Made
Word Count: 45
Story Notes: Observational poetry.

Jeans tucked into black boots
A girl that I don’t know
The trees don’t have their leaves yet
It doesn’t feel like spring
The air is sharp and biting
The grass is cool and damp
The sky is grey with rainclouds
A movie’s being made